Mini Ensalada Joy Edición Festiva
Mini Ensalada Joy Edición Festiva
*Disponible para entregas entre el 26 y 31 de octubre.
Esta ensalada saludable de 12 piezas está hecha con trigo bulgur, judías verdes, garbanzos, camote, arándanos secos, cebolla morada, almendras en rodajas, perejil fresco picado con aceite de oliva virgen extra orgánico y aderezo de jugo de limón fresco.
May contain: Gluten
*To get the best product quality we recommend consuming the food within 3 hours of the delivery time, if this is not possible, please contact us for advice.
*When placing the order, please choose the delivery time as close as possible to serving time to avoid cooling / heating the products.
*We recommend keeping the product in the delivery box at an A/C room , please open the boxes no more than 10 minutes before serving.